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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

Chinese order angers Kaohsiung police

A letter from a Guangdong police precinct instructing Kaohsiung police to contact a suspect’s family is displayed on Friday in this photo composite.
Photo: Copied by Huang Chien-hua, Taipei Times

Kaohsiung police were incensed by a recent “official document” sent by police in China’s Guandong Province ordering Taiwanese police to follow up on a criminal case.

Officers at Kaohsiung’s Yancheng District (鹽埕) Police Station were perplexed after receiving the document by mail earlier this week, which originated from the Chinese Ministry of Public Security’s Boluo County Shuishang District Police Precinct.


Taiwan, China and the Han race

When the leader of a pro-unification political party denounced students protesting a trade pact with Beijing in April last year, saying “you are all [expletive] offspring of Chinese,” he was unambiguously employing race as the primary mode of persuasion.

The angry ululation was unusual in that an appeal to race in Taiwan, unlike, say, the pulpit variety found in the US, typically takes the form of white noise: It contains many frequencies and is only mildly obtrusive and easily ignored — except around election time.


Intraparty harmony in KMT barely skin-deep

During the eight years of his administration, the one political achievement that President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) has most enjoyed flaunting to the outside world is having improved Taiwan’s relationship with China, which Ma never fails to emphasize is a result of adhering to the so-called “1992 consensus.”

In reality, the side effects of this “consensus” have begun surfacing in front of the public eye one after the other. This includes Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) presidential candidate Hung Hsiu-chu’s (洪秀柱) surprising reluctance to acknowledge the existence of the Republic of China (ROC), which is tantamount to renouncing national sovereignty.


Xi, Lien and two parades of political alignment

Chinese President Xi Jinping (習近平) has a fondness for the grandiose. Last week, he put on a huge military parade to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the end of the Second Sino- Japanese War — which China calls the “War of Resistance Against Japan.” However, Western leaders chose to boycott the event, leaving only dictators and the leaders of minor countries in attendance.


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DHARAMSHALA, September 3: A group of 11 Tibetan monks from GadenJangtse monastery, Mungod, in the southern Indian state of Karnataka are starting a pan Indian hunger strike march across the major cities in the country to express solidarity with the freedom struggle being carried out by Tibetans inside Tibet.

LobsangJampa, a monk participating in the hunger strike march told Phayul that the group will carry out the strike march through Mumbai, Bangalore, Chennai, Howrah, Delhi and Dharamshala starting from Pune early in the morning today.