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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

Chinese spies targeting tech firms: NSB

National Security Bureau Director-General Yang Kuo-chiang answers questions from lawmakers yesterday at the Legislative Yuan in Taipei.
Photo: CNA

The nation’s high-tech sector is under serious threat of industrial espionage as Chinese intelligence operatives target local companies for infiltration and collection of proprietary information, National Security Bureau (NSB) Director-General Yang Kuo-chiang (楊國強) told legislators yesterday.


China sees Taiwan as key security threat: US report

China now believes that the most important threat to its security interests might come from Taiwan, a new US congressional report said.

“The most salient challenge to Chinese interests perceived by leaders in Beijing relates to sovereignty vis-a-vis Taiwan,” said the report, released on Tuesday by the US-China Economic and Security Review Commission.


Alliance touts constitutional reforms

Members of the Civil Alliance to Promote Constitutional Reform yesterday hold up signs at a news conference in Taipei, urging president-elect Tsai Ing-wen to fulfill her pledge on constitutional reform.
Photo: Wang Yi-sung, Taipei Times

Civic groups plan to push for “bottom-up” constitutional reforms and prepare constitutional amendment proposals for referendums by 2018, the Civic Alliance to Promote Constitutional Reform said yesterday.


Lingering shadow of political terrorism

Last month’s 228 Memorial Day marked the 69th anniversary of the 228 Incident in 1947. However, the historical significance of the event was outshone by the bright lights of this year’s lantern festivals, which took place across Taiwan during the three-day 228 holiday weekend.

It has been almost 70 years since the troops dispatched by Chiang Kai-shek (蔣介石) landed in Keelung in early March 1947 and initiated a crackdown and massacre following the events of Feb. 28 that year.


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Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) Chairperson Tsai Ing-wen (蔡英文) yesterday accused the Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) of failing to open its negotiations with China to public scrutiny.

“There have been many areas in which the KMT government hasn’t been transparent when dealing with cross-strait issues,” Tsai said during a campaign stop in Taipei City.