Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

Ma is being reckless on his way out

National defense and diplomacy are two major issues under the president’s authority, according to the Republic of China Constitution, but recent moves by President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) show that he considers them as stages for his personal show.


High Court summons Chen Shui-bian

Former president Chen Shui-bian is pictured sitting in a wheelchair during a medical check at the Kaohsiung Chang Gung Memorial Hospital in 2015.
Photo: Chang Chung-yi, Taipei Times

Former president Chen Shui-bian’s (陳水扁) lawyers yesterday confirmed that he has been summoned to appear at the High Court on May 13, as the court reopens a trial into corruption charges against Chen over alleged misuse of the state affairs fund.


Renewed call to pardon Chen Shui-bian rejected

Kaohsiung Mayor Chen Chu, center, yesterday speaks to the media after visiting former president Chen Shui-bian with vice president-elect Chen Chien-jen in Kaohsiung.
Photo: Chang Chung-i, Taipei Times

The Presidential Office has rejected a renewed call from local governments to pardon former president Chen Shui-bian (陳水扁), saying there are still ongoing criminal cases involving Chen.


KMT shows true colors with choice of Hung

Seemingly worried that outsiders might not know how divided its ranks really are, the Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) keeps putting on performances that highlight its internal contradictions.

As the party’s presidential candidate last year, Hung Hsiu-chu (洪秀柱) — also known as the “Little Red Pepper” (小辣椒) — was defeated by the KMT’s local factions and replaced by then-KMT chairman Eric Chu (朱立倫). However, she has made a big comeback, sending the factions sprawling by getting elected as KMT chairwoman.


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An air force F-16A jet, number 6672, takes off from Hualien Air Base in Hualien County yesterday afternoon in a photograph taken by an aviation fan.
Photo: CNA

An air force F-16 jet went missing off the east coast of Taiwan last night, and search and recovery operations were ongoing as of press time, the Ministry of National Defense said.