Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

Beijing changing the ‘status quo’

Before and after her inauguration on May 20, President Tsai Ing-wen (蔡英文) has repeatedly stated that her new government would continue to promote the stable and peaceful development of cross-strait relations based on existing realities and political foundations.

The careful way Tsai had balanced the conflicting demands of Beijing and her domestic political constituency appeared to meet US expectations, as the US Department of State congratulated Tsai and said in a statement that her inauguration “marks another milestone in the development of Taiwan’s vibrant democracy.”


Prosecutors said to be avoiding Ma Ying-jeou lawsuits

Various groups yesterday hold a news conference outside the Taipei District Prosecutors’ Office criticizing prosecutors for “passing the buck” and failing to bring charges against former president Ma Ying-jeou for his alleged involvement in the controversial Taipei Dome project when he served as Taipei mayor.
Photo: CNA

Pro-localization groups yesterday accused prosecutors of not taking the necessary steps to prosecute former president Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) for his suspected role in the Taipei Dome project and a classified information leak, demanding that they take action immediately.


Chen did not violate parole conditions by appearing at event

Former president Chen Shui-bian’s (陳水扁) attendance on Saturday at a dinner to celebrate the establishment of the Ketagalan Foundation in Taipei did not violate the provisions of his medical parole, a senior prison official said yesterday.

Chen was released from prison on medical parole in January last year.


Chen Shui-bian to attend Taipei event

Former president Chen Shui-bian, center, returns to his hometown Tainan on Jan. 20 last year after being granted medical parole.
Photo: Yang Chin-cheng, Taipei Times

Former president Chen Shui-bian (陳水扁) is planning to attend a fundraising dinner for the Ketagalan Foundation in Taipei tonight, despite Taichung Prison advising against his attendance, Chen’s son, Chen Chih-chung (陳致中), said, adding that his father would comply with all of the preconditions of his medical parole set by the judicial authority.


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Members of the Democratic Progressive Party legislative caucus hold a press conference in Taipei yesterday, calling on China to return the Taiwanese nationals sent there from Kenya.
Photo: Chen Chih-chu, Taipei Times

Legislative Speaker Su Jia-chyuan (蘇嘉全) yesterday said that he was infuriated by the Chinese “abduction” of Taiwanese nationals, calling on the nation and the public to “take action” to demand an unconditional release and return of the seized Taiwanese to Taiwan.