Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

Students at experimental schools gain recognition

The Legislative Yuan on Friday passed amendments to three laws on experimental education, expanding the scope of experimental curricula to cover universities and allow experimental-school students to receive official student status.

The three acts refer to the Enforcement Act for Non-school-based Experimental Education across Levels below Senior High School (高級中等以下教育階段非學校型態實驗教育實施條例), the Enforcement Act for School-based Experimental Education (學校型態實驗教育實施條例) and the Act Governing the Commissioning of the Operation of Public Elementary and Junior Secondary Schools to the Private Sector (公立國民小學及國民中學委託私人辦理條例).


Counterbalancing Chinese leverage

Australia’s recent white paper on foreign policy highlights how the balance of power in the Indo-Pacific region is shifting away from the US.

The US has ruled the waves with its large and powerful navy, but China increasingly insists that much of the South China Sea and the islands it has built are its sovereign territory. It has set up military facilities and structures to forewarn all against challenging this new regional order.


Armed forces must remain vigilant, Tsai says

President Tsai Ing-wen shakes hands with Commander of Penghu Defense Command Huang Ching-tsai, who is to be promoted to lieutenant general on Monday, at a military promotion ceremony in Taipei yesterday.
Photo: Chien Jung-fong, Taipei Times

President Tsai Ing-wen (蔡英文) yesterday said that the nation’s armed forces must keep a close watch on China’s military movements and take necessary measures to safeguard national security and ensure regional peace and stability.


Get used to air force drills: China

A Taiwanese F-16, bottom, follows a Chinese H-6 bomber in an undated photograph.
Photo courtesy of the Ministry of National Defense

Taiwanese will gradually get used to Chinese air force drills that encircle the nation, China said yesterday, while Premier William Lai (賴清德) reiterated the nation’s desire for peaceful relations with Beijing.


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Former Taiwan Solidarity Union legislator Hsu Chung-hsin (許忠信) said he has concerns over the intentions of Chinese who go missing after entering Taiwan on the pretext of traveling or undergoing medical procedures, saying they could be on intelligence-gathering missions.

According to statistics compiled by the National Immigration Agency (NIA), there are 146 Chinese who are unaccounted for, entering Taiwan for tourism or to undergo medical procedures.