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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

Ian Easton On Taiwan: Defusing a cross-strait time bomb

Under normal circumstances, Taiwan would be just about to hit its national stride. After years of hard work, Taiwan’s human capital, technology base and governance system are now some of the best in the world. This democratic island nation is poised to prosper in the 21st Century.


A lesson in what White Terror was

After Martial Law had been promulgated and imposed throughout the nation at the end of 1949, Taiwan formally entered the White Terror era.

People who held the slightest grudge against someone could simply file a report with the police and the relevant special agency, saying that this person had complained about the government, read novels written by left-wing writers, participated in meetings with a reading group; or that they had either been held captive by the Chinese Communist Party’s Eighth Route Army or stayed in an area occupied by the communists on the mainland yet had never turned themselves over to the authorities in Taiwan.


NPP legislators go on hunger strike to protest DPP bill

New Power Party legislators stage a hunger strike in front of the Presidential Office Building in Taipei yesterday.
Photo: Chen Chih-chu, Taipei Times

Five New Power Party (NPP) legislators yesterday began a hunger strike in front of the Presidential Office Building in Taipei, calling on President Tsai Ing-wen (蔡英文), in her capacity as Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) chairperson, to order the DPP caucus to retract draft amendments to the Labor Standards Act (勞動基準法) from bills to be reviewed during an extraordinary legislative session that began yesterday.


PRC aviation routes protested

Beijing should immediately stop all flights on four civil aviation routes that were launched yesterday morning, the Mainland Affairs Council (MAC) said yesterday, adding that aviation officials across the Taiwan Strait should begin negotiations on the issue as soon as possible.


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Minister of Foreign Affairs Timothy Yang, left, yesterday welcomes US Representative Ileana Ros-Lehtinen, second left, who is chairwoman of the US House Committee on Foreign Affairs, and some other guests at a lunch party in Taipei.
Photo: CNA

US Representative Ileana Ros-Lehtinen yesterday said she was intrigued by the “one country, two areas (一國兩區)” formula advocated by President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) during his inauguration speech and added that she would seek clarification about its implications.

“We asked him [Ma] about the statement he had made. We asked other individuals as well about that phrase and how it could be interpreted in different ways,” Ros-Lehtinen said.