Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

US’ divided bipartisan commitment

Like West Berlin in the 20th century, Taiwan is standing on the front line of a hegemonic battle between the leader of the free world and a rising authoritarian superpower. Washington has pursued a policy of “strategic ambiguity” in the past few decades, but now it must shift toward “strategic clarity” due to political realities.

The Taiwan Relations Act (TRA) suggests that any military threat to Taiwan should be of critical concern to the US. Yet incidents of Chinese military aircraft crossing into Taiwan’s air defense identification zone have become so common that it has been normalized for Taiwanese. This indifference to the threat should signal an alarm for the US.


Ministry to promote UN bid in the US

The government is to hold a series of events on the sidelines of the UN General Assembly in New York next month while calling on the global body to stop the misinterpretation of Resolution 2758 and allow Taiwan’s meaningful participation in its system, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs said yesterday.

Taiwan is stepping up its efforts to promote the nation’s bid to join the UN leading up to the 78th session of the General Assembly on Tuesday next week and the General Debate from Sept. 19 to Sept. 26.

Due to a misinterpretation of UN Resolution 2758 Taiwan has been inappropriately excluded from the UN, which should be rectified, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Tien Chung-kwang (田中光) said yesterday.


Eradicating scams and fake ads on social media

The Thai Ministry of Digital Economy and Society has asked Facebook to remove crypto scams and ad fraud on its platform. If Facebook fails to comply, the Thai government said it would seek a court-approved shutdown of the social media platform.

Many online ads are shown to us because the information is suited to our needs. However, on some social media platforms, more often than not, the ads are neither randomly displayed nor coincidentally cater to our needs. They are shown to us due to artificial intelligence algorithms. Ad fraud is an example of this. Algorithms must be employed to fight against scams.


Taiwan in UN promotes peace: Wu

Minister of Foreign Affairs Joseph Wu (吳釗燮) has called for Taiwan’s inclusion in the UN framework to help ensure peace in the region, as the world body is slated to begin its 78th session of the general assembly on Tuesday next week.

“Together we are stronger. It is time to act on this fundamental principle, including Taiwan,” Wu wrote in an op-ed published on Saturday on the Italian news site Le Formiche.

The UN Charter, which states that international disputes should be settled peacefully, has helped maintain the rules-based international order since the end of the Cold War, he said.


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Orsted president for Asia-Pacific Matthias Bausenwein speaks at a news conference in Taipei yesterday.
Photo: Huang Pei-chun, Taipei Times

Orsted A/S yesterday said it plans to establish a NT$60 million (US$1.94 million) trust fund in Taiwan, in partnership with other wind power developers, to provide local suppliers with further training and qualifications, after the Danish firm’s board made its final investment decision on Tuesday.