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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

Taiwan backs US-Japan strategy: official

Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Wu Chih-chung, center, speaks at “Taiwan’s Opportunities under Indo-Pacific Security Strategies” forum organized by the Taiwan Think Tank in Taipei yesterday.
Photo: Chang Chia-ming, Taipei Times

Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Wu Chih-chung (吳志中) yesterday reaffirmed the government’s commitment and readiness to working with the US and Japan to maintain regional peace and stability, adding that the country aims to be recognized as an important partner with countries in the Indo-Pacific region.


West should forget about China, focus on Taiwan

Recently, major news media in the US and Europe have been awash with analyses on how the West got China wrong. Prominent publications such as the London-based magazine The Economist (“How the West got China wrong,” March 1) argue that since former US president Richard Nixon’s opening to China, the West had hoped that diplomatic and commercial engagement would bring political and economic openness, but that the gamble has failed.


Rights groups rally to commemorate Tibetan Uprising

Tibetan exiles and members of rights groups shout slogans and carry Tibetan snow lion flags as they march in Taipei yesterday to mark the 1959 Tibetan Uprising.

About 200 people yesterday marched in downtown Taipei to commemorate the 1959 Tibetan Uprising, calling for an end to China’s oppression of Tibet.


Taiwanese will not sell out to China that easily

China never stops menacing Taiwan through propaganda and military threats, and its “united front” strategy is all-pervasive. The so-called “incentives” announced by China’s Taiwan Affairs Office last week are just another tactic aimed at buying off Taiwan.

Taiwanese are businesspeople. Business is conducted based on an economic rationale and sometimes even in compliance with strict economic rationalism.


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Pingpu Aboriginal activist Jason Pan (潘紀揚) yesterday denied a statement by the Council of Indigenous Peoples (CIP) that the UN has rejected a petition he filed to sue the Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) government for not recognizing Pingpu Aborigines’ Aboriginal status.

Pan, director of the Taiwan Association for Rights Advancements for Pingpu Plains Aborigines, made the remarks at a press conference in Taipei held following his recent return from UN headquarters in Geneva.