Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

Bringing White Terror history to the public

Hsieh Hsueh-hung (謝雪紅) was a Taiwanese communist organizer who fled to China in 1947 to escape repression following the 228 Incident.

However, after several years in China, she was labeled a “rightist” and subjected to “struggle sessions” by the Red Guards during the Cultural Revolution.


Rights do not include threats

The freedoms of speech and expression are among the nation’s most precious assets, standing as pillars of its democracy. However, a shrine to communism created in Changhua County by a former military officer who advocates unification with China is a timely reminder for the government that it needs to remain vigilant over how democracy could be undermined and national identity disintegrated through abuses of these rights.

Wei Ming-jen (魏明仁), who is in the construction business, acquired a Buddhist temple seven years ago and converted it into its present form, with the national flag of the People’s Republic of China (PRC) flying and daily broadcasts of the Chinese national anthem.


DPP could learn from Taiwanese activists

“Apart from the Taiwanese independence movement, I have striven for nothing else in my life. This is my romantic way of dealing with life.”

Following the opening of a museum dedicated to independence activist Ong Iok-tek (王育德) on Sept. 9, a memorial park dedicated to former World United Formosans for Independence (WUFI) chairman Ng Chiau-tong (黃昭堂) opened in Tainan’s Cigu District on Friday.


China’s treatment of Uighurs ‘awful’: Pompeo

Children on Aug. 31 play outside the entrance to a school ringed with barbed wire, security cameras and barricades near a sign that reads “Please use the nation’s common language” in Peyzawat in China’s Xinjiang region.
Photo: AP

The US on Friday denounced China’s treatment of its Uighur Muslims in unusually strong terms, adding to a growing list of disputes in increasingly turbulent relations between the two nations.


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President Ma Ying-jeou should rein in Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) members who are spreading racist and gender-biased propaganda in a bid to snatch votes for the year-end local elections and support for a controversial trade pact with China, the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) said yesterday.

Acting DPP Spokesman Chao Tian-ling said at a press conference that the KMT’s Chiayi County branch has been running a “questionable, negative advertisement” insinuating that the DPP nominee in the county commissioner’s race, Chang Hwa-kuan, was involved in adulterous relations with the current commissioner, Chen Ming-wen.