Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

TPP bungles whistle-blower platform

Taiwan People’s Party (TPP) Chairman Ko Wen-je (柯文哲) on Sept. 13 announced that the party had launched an independent whistle-blower platform to report corruption in their ranks. Just one day later, the accounting firm that was supposed to operate the system terminated its agreement with the TPP, in a reversal that has seriously damaged the image of the presidential hopeful and his party.

A TPP official said that Deloitte Taiwan and the party approved a contract on July 5, and after the platform had been tested, the TPP remitted a payment on Sept. 1.

Why then have former Taipei mayor Ko and the TPP been pushed into disarray by such a simple commercial transaction? The reason lies in the TPP’s deviation from the spirit of the agreement.


Washington must prioritize Taiwan

Upon Russia’s abrupt, full-scale invasion of Ukraine in February last year, Taiwan displayed great empathy and sympathy with Ukraine. Taipei immediately announced economic sanctions against Moscow, and Taiwanese expressed solidarity, with protesters gathering outside Russia’s representative office in Taipei, while Taipei 101 was lit up in the colors of the Ukrainian flag. Despite distinct historical and geopolitical differences, as well as the great distance between the countries, Taiwan and Ukraine have long borne the existential threats posed by a large neighboring military power.

A month after the invasion, the Washington Post published an op-ed by Representative to the US Hsiao Bi-khim (蕭美琴) that articulated Taipei’s view by emulating the US-led Western narrative: Russia launched an unprovoked attack against Ukraine amid a struggle of liberal democracy versus authoritarianism.


UN should rescind 2758 interpretation, Marshall Islands’ Kabua says

Marshall Islands President David Kabua on Wednesday called on the UN to rescind its interpretation of Resolution 2758, which bars Taiwan from participating in the international organization.

There is still a “visible crack” in the UN, as it “will never be whole and complete without the meaningful participation of the 23 million people of Taiwan,” Kabua said in his address on the second day of the General Debate at the 78th General Assembly in New York.

He also criticized the UN’s specialized agencies, meetings and mechanisms for what he described as their continuous efforts to close the doors to journalists and visitors from Taiwan.


Media using eggs to sow mistrust

Human civilization is fairly short-lived and having undergone several wars, humans have only just begun to understand that democracy is a more acceptable social system.

Taiwanese voted for a reliable and trustworthy government so that they do not have to worry about food safety, security or the quality of healthcare, and least of all eggs.

Even if there were no eggs on the shelves for a few days, people would not panic, because they know they are living in a free society, and that eggs would be back on the shelves as soon as the government responds to the shortage. After all, eggs are not everyday essentials and any food that contains amino acids can be an alternative.


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Chang Kai-feng, Shih Tsuo-hsin and Deng Hsueh-jui, former senior officers under the command of late military commander Sun Li-jen, stand with Lo Kuang-hung and his brother, Lo Kuang-jen, sons of Sun’s former military photographer, right to left, at the unveiling on Saturday at a museum in Pingtung County of a full-body wax likeness of Sun.
Photo: Lo Hsin-chen, Taipei Times

A full-body wax likeness of late military commander Sun Li-jen (孫立人) was unveiled on Saturday at a museum in Pingtung County. It is the first wax statue of the celebrated commander to be made, curators said.