Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

Trump yet to play the ultimate card

When US Vice President Mike Pence addressed the recent APEC summit, he criticized China for its myriad breaches of international norms. The US and the world have lost patience, he said, adding: “Things must change.”

He spoke these words 51 years after then-US president Richard Nixon issued the first urgent “China must change” message. In a Foreign Affairs article previewing the course he would follow in his historic opening to China, Nixon portrayed in stark terms the alternative course of history with an unchanged China:


The Golden Horse event exemplifies Taiwan

In her acceptance speech after winning Best Documentary at the Golden Horse Awards on Nov. 17, Taiwanese director Fu Yue (傅榆) said: “I really hope that one day our country can be treated as a truly independent entity.”

Fu’s statement opened a Pandora’s Box. Fearful Chinese filmmakers rolled out “united front” cliches on stage; the Chinese Communist Party’s (CCP) publicity department banned Chinese-funded films from participating in future Golden Horse ceremonies.


Lifting of NWL asset freeze protested

Vehicles drive past the National Women’s League headquarters on Linsen S Road in Taipei’s Zhongzheng District yesterday.
Photo: Chen Yu-fu, Taipei Times

The Taipei High Administrative Court should be held responsible if the National Women’s League (NWL) disposes of its assets, the Ill-gotten Party Assets Settlement Committee said yesterday in response to the court’s decision on Tuesday to unfreeze the league’s assets.


Election lessons for government and the DPP

The Democratic Progressive Party’s (DPP) resounding defeat in Saturday’s nine-in-one elections should jar it into heeding the following warning signs:

First, the BBC’s Chinese-language Web site hit the nail on the head when it said that Taiwanese elections are turning into variety shows.

With a malicious neighbor like China, how can Taiwan let its elections sink to the level of entertainment?


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The flight path of two US Air Force B-52s is pictured in an image from the Aircraft Spots Twitter account. It shows the two aircraft entering Taiwan’s flight information region in the East China Sea on Wednesday.
Photo: screen grab from Twitter

Ministry of National Defense officials yesterday neither confirmed nor denied that two US Air Force B-52s entered the nation’s flight information region (FIR) on Wednesday on a mission from their base in Guam, with experts saying it might have been a US response to flights around Taiwan and its surrounding islands by Chinese H-6 bombers.