Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

Name, ‘consensus’ make wall of lies

A quote often misattributed to Nazi propagandist Joseph Goebbels holds that “a lie repeated a thousand times becomes truth.” Sadly the preposterous nature of this appears to depict conditions in Taiwan today.

Two major lies enmesh the nation: One is the so-called “1992 consensus” and the other is the meaningless name “Chinese Taipei.” Recent events suggest just how extensive these lies have become in obfuscating public discourse.


Mistakes led to long lines at polls: CEC

The Central Election Commission (CEC) yesterday said that it made mistakes that eventually led to the long lines in last month’s nine-in-one elections, adding that it would increase the number of polling stations in coming elections and review rules on when to hold referendums.

The 10 referendums held alongside the local elections on Nov. 24 were approved in October, leaving the government with less than two months to make the necessary adjustments at polling stations, whose planning had been finalized in August, the commission said in a report submitted to the Legislative Yuan’s Internal Administration Committee, which is to be reviewed today.


Lai starts reforms, accepts resignations

From left, Council of Agriculture Minister Lin Tsung-hsien, Environmental Protection Administration Minister Lee Ying-yuan and Minister of Transportation and Communications Wu Hong-mo are pictured in a composite photo.
Taipei Times file photo

Premier William Lai (賴清德) yesterday initiated the first stage of Cabinet reforms after the Democratic Progressive Party’s (DPP) losses in the nine-in-one elections on Nov. 24, approving the resignation of three ministers.


Carrying on the fight

With many in Taiwan and elsewhere focused on digesting the results of the elections and referendums held a week ago today, an award ceremony in Sweden on Tuesday passed almost unnoticed and unremarked.

Li Wenzu (李文足), the wife of Chinese rights lawyer Wang Quanzhang (王全璋) who was detained as part of the “709 crackdown” in 2015, was awarded the fourth Edelstam Prize for exceptional courage in standing up in defense of human rights.


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Friends and family of former president Chen Shui-bian (陳水扁) were furious after learning that Chen had to wear handcuffs and ankle cuffs while undergoing medical checkups yesterday, saying that while this might be standard procedure, such measures were unnecessary and humiliating.

Jack Chen (陳嘉爵), who recently took over as director of the former president’s office, said Chen Shui-bian was kept bound while undergoing blood tests and receiving treatment for headaches and chest pains.