Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

Ko treating voters with contempt

Taipei’s outspoken surgeon-turned-mayor Ko Wen-je (柯文哲), who last month launched the Taiwan People’s Party, constantly has his foot in his mouth. Last week, he described Presidential Office Secretary-General Chen Chu (陳菊) as “a fatter version of [Kaohsiung Mayor] Han Kuo-yu (韓國瑜).”

Unfortunately, Ko’s fat shaming of Chen is just the latest in a long line of chauvinistic invective directed at female politicians by their male counterparts.


Hundreds join NYC march for Taiwan

Taiwanese expatriates and others march in New York City on Saturday during the annual UN For Taiwan/Keep Taiwan Free rally.
Photo: CNA

Hundreds of Taiwanese expatriates and others marched in the Manhattan borough of New York City on Saturday to call attention to Taiwan’s exclusion from the UN and Beijing’s efforts to further shrink the nation’s space in the international community.


Allies are critical to stability

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs has issued a series of responses to speculation that the Solomon Islands might break diplomatic ties in favor of Beijing.

On Aug. 22, the government reassured the public, saying that 15 Solomon Islands lawmakers expressed support for maintaining ties with Taiwan. Earlier this year, Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Hsu Szu-chien (徐斯儉) told a news conference that then-acting Solomon Islands prime minister Rick Houenipwela would “review, rather than switch,” diplomatic relations.


Hong Kong demonstrators gather in renewed rallies

Protesters erect Lady Liberty Hong Kong — a statute depicting a schoolchild wearing a gas mask and carrying an umbrella — at a rally against “White Terror” at Chater Garden in Hong Kong yesterday.
Photo: Reuters

Hong Kong Chief Executive Carrie Lam (林鄭月娥) yesterday said that measures announced this week to help restore order in the Chinese-ruled territory were a first step as thousands gathered outside a subway station in renewed protest after months of sometimes-violent unrest.


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Taiwan will not rely on others for its defense, President Tsai Ing-wen (蔡英文) said on Wednesday, while welcoming a US commitment to the nation’s security during what she called Chinese encroachment on its sovereignty.

Tsai’s remarks, pre-recorded and delivered to a US audience at a Washington forum, came after US President Joe Biden last month pledged to defend Taiwan in the event of any “unprecedented attack” by China.