Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

HONG KONG: Thousands rally to commemorate 2014 ‘Umbrella movement’ amid tight security

An anti-government protester yesterday in Hong Kong sprays graffiti on a shutter during a rally commemorating the fifth anniversary of the “Umbrella movement.”
Photo: EPA-EFE

Thousands of people yesterday gathered for a rally in downtown Hong Kong, belting out songs, speeches and slogans to mark the fifth anniversary of the start of the 2014 “Umbrella movement” that called for democratic reforms in the semi-autonomous Chinese territory.


DPP lawmakers propose rules on CCP propaganda

Democratic Progressive Party Legislator Chen Ting-fei speaks at an event in Tainan on March 27.
Photo: Tsai Wen-chu, Taipei Times

Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) lawmakers yesterday proposed amendments that would stipulate prison sentences of three to 10 years for people convicted of spreading Chinese Communist Party (CCP) propaganda that is deemed to endanger national security.


US should confirm the AIT director

On Aug. 11, the New York Times crossword puzzle had a particularly easy clue for 18 across: “Most populous nation not in the UN.” The answer? Taiwan, of course. So, no wonder most of my fellow Americans are surprised to hear that the US and Taiwan, despite our long-standing and close alliance, do not have diplomatic relations.

The fact that the US Senate does not confirm the US’ top diplomat to Taiwan, as it does for all other countries, comes as a surprise as well. After all, US law recognizes Taiwan as an independent, sovereign country with its own territory, government and population.


KMT back to its old tricks

Members of the Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) legislative caucus on Friday last week held a news conference to question the authenticity of President Tsai Ing-wen’s (蔡英文) doctoral diploma and dissertation from the London School of Economics and Political Science (LSE).

Armed with their own diplomas and dissertations from overseas institutions were legislators Lin Yi-hua (林奕華), Arthur Chen (陳宜民) and Yosi Takun, in an academic show-and-tell that only added to the sense of political theater surrounding this latest attempt to smear Tsai.


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Kalon Tripa Dr Lobsang Sangay pose for a picture with visiting Taiwanese students.

DHARAMSHALA, July 27: A group of Taiwanese students are in the Tibetan exile headquarters of Dharamshala, exploring Tibetan culture and the political movement, under the aegis of an awareness programme jointly organised by the Taiwan Friends of Tibet and Students for a Free Tibet, India.

The group of 16 students along with two professors hail from five different Taiwanese universities, including Shih Hsin University, National Chengchi University, and the Taipei National University of Arts.