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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

CIB detains 10 allegedly helping Chinese enter illegally

Passersby are reflected in the windows of the Taipei District Prosecutors’ Office yesterday.
Photo: Huang Chieh, Taipei Times

The Criminal Investigation Bureau (CIB) yesterday conducted raids on five locations in Taipei and New Taipei City, detaining 10 alleged members of an operation that took advantage of a legal loophole to enable more than 10,000 “tourists” to enter Taiwan over the past three years, including Chinese government officials and spies.


Polls are not Han’s concern; it is money

Kaohsiung Mayor Han Kuo-yu (韓國瑜), the Chinese Nationalist Party’s (KMT) presidential candidate, is doing worse and worse in opinion polls.

Seeing that the top two candidates have swapped places in the polls and that the gap between them is widening, Han’s fans suspect that survey results are being fabricated by the pollsters.


The Formosa Incident: a look back

This week, Taiwan is remembering that 40 years ago, on Dec. 10, 1979, the Formosa Incident, also known as the Kaohsiung Incident, took place.

Most people are familiar with what happened: Democracy leaders associated with Formosa Magazine organized a Human Rights Day rally in Kaohsiung. The event resulted in chaos when police surrounded the crowd and started to use tear gas.


Hong Kong protests at half-year mark

Pro-democracy protesters march on a street in Hong Kong yesterday.
Photo: AP

Hundreds of thousands of demonstrators yesterday crammed into Hong Kong’s streets, their chants echoing off high-rises, in a mass show of support for a protest movement that shows no signs of flagging as it enters a seventh month.


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Supporters of Taiwan in the US Senate Armed Services Committee added a requirement for a presidential report on the status of the Taiwanese Air Force in next year’s National Defense Authorization Act passed on July 23, the latest edition of Defense News reported.

Defense News quoted Andrew Yang, secretary-general of the Taipei-based Chinese Council of Advanced Policy Studies, as saying that the requirement would likely push for the sale of the 66 F-16C/D fighter aircraft requested by Taiwan in 2006.