Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

Academic urges TRA-like Japan law

International relations academic Genki Fujii, fourth left, Formosa Republican Association Chairman Yen Ching-chang, center, Japanese Conservative Union Chairman Jikido Aeba, fourth right, former National Security Council deputy secretary-general Parris Chang, right, and others gesture at a seminar in Taipei yesterday.
Photo: Chien Jung-fong, Taipei Times

Japan should enforce a law parallel to the US’ Taiwan Relations Act (TRA) to consolidate its partnership with Taiwan, Jikido Aeba, a Japanese lawmaker and academic, told a seminar in Taipei yesterday.


Admit the past, KMT, and move on

“That which we call a rose by any other name would smell as sweet” — so argues Juliet in Shakespeare’s play. Similarly, a de facto independent democratic nation such as the Republic of China (ROC) would remain a de facto independent democratic nation whatever its name.

However, there is more: Taiwan would be better off in the international community by making the needed name change.


Tired of KMT’s moronic stunts

Just when it seemed the Chinese Nationalist Party’s (KMT) presidential election campaign, with candidate Kaohsiung Mayor Han Kuo-yu (韓國瑜), could not become any more farcical, the party plumbs a new low with its orchestrated political stunt last week outside the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, which quickly backfired and plunged Han’s campaign into fresh chaos.


Reclaiming ‘one China’ narrative

The end of World War II brought the people of the former Japanese colony of Formosa no peace. Unlike all other colonial peoples who gained independence after the war, the US’ “one China” policy trapped them, in the words of the District of Columbia Court of Appeals, in “political purgatory.” The policy also trapped the US in fear of a war with China.

It started in 1943, when the US in the Cairo Declaration promised Chiang Kai-shek (蔣介石) of the Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) that “Formosa shall be restored to the Republic of China [ROC] after the war.”


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A map displayed on the Aircraft Spots Twitter timeline yesterday shows the path followed by a US reconnaissance aircraft southwest of Taiwan.
Image from the Aircaft Spots Twitter account

A Twitter account that tracks military aircraft movements has indicated an increase in US military activity near Taiwan, coinciding with an increase in Chinese military activity in the area.