Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

Ten officers charged with espionage

Ten former and current military officers were yesterday indicted on charges of spying for China, including two who allegedly filmed themselves pledging loyalty to Beijing.

The High Prosecutors’ Office requested life imprisonment for the suspects in light of the severity of the crime.

The 10 active-duty and retired officers included members of the 601st Brigade of the Aviation Special Forces comprising attack helicopter squadrons and elite combat units in charge of defending northern Taiwan, including Taipei.


KMT, Ma, Hou need history lesson

Taiwan has a very important decision to make in the upcoming presidential election. One party stands for protecting the integrity of Taiwanese self-rule, the other two main parties who stand a chance at winning both cater to China and, if elected, would risk locking Taiwan into a position of being annexed by China against the will of a vast majority of the population.

Former president Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九), New Taipei City Mayor Hou You-yi (侯友宜), the Chinese Nationalist Party’s (KMT) presidential candidate, and the KMT all need a history lesson. Taiwan was never ceded to the Republic of China (ROC). The only treaty regulating the status of Taiwan is the Treaty of San Francisco of 1951. It was ratified in 1952, before the Treaty of Taipei, and thus the Treaty of Taipei only concerns territory not covered in the Treaty of San Francisco. The ROC was tasked with the administration of Taiwan and other named islands, but not the sovereignty.


Taipei, Tokyo should stand together

Taiwan and Japan are closely connected with one another in terms of their history, geography and people. The connection is much more intimate than that between any other two countries. Throughout the course of human history, no two neighboring countries have ever shared such warm feelings toward each other.

Due to their geographical proximity, Taiwan and Japan confront almost the same natural disasters. When a disaster occurs, the two countries always assist one another.

Today, Taiwan and Japan have to deal with more than a natural disaster, they have to contend with the threat posed by China. Beijing has already demonstrated its expansionist ambitions. This is a significant issue that Taiwan and Japan have to face together.


Remembering a Taiwan gentleman

Chi Mei Corp founder Shi Wen-long (許文龍), who died in hospital on Saturday at the age of 95, was one of Taiwan’s most special entrepreneurs. While Formosa Plastics Group cofounder Wang Yung-ching (王永慶), known as the “god of management,” established the Chang Gung Memorial Hospital in northern Taiwan, Shi established the Chi Mei Medical Center in Tainan. He was especially well-known for sharing the benefits of business, saying that for everyone to be happy on a fishing trip, everyone should be able to catch some fish.

Shi once said that the Chi Mei Medical Center and Chimei Museum were the two most important organizations that he wanted to leave to Taiwan. The tributes that have poured in from across Taiwan since he passed away show that his contributions are indeed greatly appreciated.


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The majority of Taiwanese favor independence over unification and identify strongly with the name “Republic of China (ROC),” as well as with the national flag, but are less receptive to the national anthem, a recent public opinion poll conducted by the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) showed.

Online news site Newtalk obtained and published the results of the survey — which were not released to the public — on Sunday.