Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

Indigenous sub undergoing harbor acceptance test

Taiwan’s first indigenous defense submarine prototype, the Hai Kun (海鯤, SS-711), is undergoing a harbor acceptance test, a navy official said yesterday.

Admiral Huang Shu-kuang (黃曙光), who heads the Indigenous Defense Submarine program, said that personnel are training on the Hai Kun’s systems and equipment, and the next step would be a sea acceptance test (SAT) in the second quarter of next year.

The submarine was initially launched on Sept. 28, after seven years in development, he said, adding that the program has been supervised and audited by the Legislative Yuan, the Control Yuan and other government agencies, and no problems have been found.


Being pro-China will save no one

Roson (羅森), a renowned Taiwan-born wuxia (“martial arts and chivalry”) novelist who shot to fame in Taiwan for having mature content in his works, has moved his career to China several years ago. He settled down in Zhuhai in Guangdong Province while managing a novel Web site for years.

He was arrested earlier this year and given a 12-year sentence for “producing, selling or disseminating obscene articles for profit,” according to online reports.

News of him serving a sentence first appeared on Chinese gaming Web site NGA and shortly after, the news spread to Professional Technology Temple’s gaming bulletin board.


Office criticizes Chinese trade ruling

Beijing is using trade to manipulate Taiwan’s politics, the Office of Trade Negotiations said yesterday after China announced that a ban on imports of more than 2,455 categories of Chinese goods constituted a “trade barrier.”

The Executive Yuan office said in a statement that a Chinese probe contravened WTO rules and Taiwan did not accept it.

The investigation was politically motivated and China should immediately cease its political manipulation of Taiwan, it said, without elaborating.


Ancient texts unrelated to morality

Ever since the Ministry of Education promulgated the 2019 curriculum guidelines, critics have always complained about the “mass reduction” of classical Chinese content. They say it is part of government efforts to “de-Sinicize” education, which has led to moral depravity and degeneracy in society.

With the recent controversy surrounding the omission of the Ming Dynasty academic Gu Yanwu’s (顧炎武) work Honesty and Morality (廉恥) in mind, the issue seems to never age as a hot election topic. However, perhaps it is worth thinking about whether classical Chinese still retains as much significance or importance in modern life as academics claim and what kind of impact it has on the public’s linguistic skills in the long run.


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Lee Ching-yu, center, wife of human rights advocate Lee Ming-che, talks to reporters yesterday after meeting with former president Lee Teng-hui at his residence in Taipei.
Photo: CNA

Former president Lee Teng-hui (李登輝) yesterday urged the government to take a more pro-active role in rescuing human rights advocate Lee Ming-che (李明哲), who has been detained by Chinese authorities and charged with subversion of state power.