Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

US hammer finds nail in HK banks

The US House of Representatives on July 1 passed by unanimous consent a bipartisan bill that would penalize Chinese officials who implement Beijing’s new national security legislation in Hong Kong, as well as banks that do business with them. The following day, the US Senate unanimously passed the bill, which was later sent to the White House, where it awaits US President Donald Trump’s signature.

The bill does not spell out what the sanctions would look like and Trump has yet to sign it into law, but Reuters on Thursday last week reported that five major Chinese state lenders are considering contingency plans in anticipation of being cut off from US dollars or losing access to US-dollar settlements.


Taipei thanks US for missile package

A Patriot Advanced Capability-3 (PAC-3) surface-to-air missile system is deployed next to the Changhua Reserve Runway on the Sun Yat-sen Freeway (Freeway No. 1) on May 28 last year for the annual Han Kuang military exercise.
Photo: Peter Lo, Taipei Times

The government yesterday thanked the US for approving the possible sale of a US$620 million missile repair and recertification package to Taiwan.


Taiwan and the EU’s ‘safe list’

An outrageous dismissal of the exemplary Taiwanese fight against COVID-19 has been perpetrated by the EU. There is no excuse.

I presume that everyone who reads the Taipei Times knows that the EU has excluded Taiwan from its so-called “safe list,” which permits citizens unhindered travel to and from the countries of the EU.

As the EU does not feel that it needs to explain the character of this exclusive list, perhaps we should examine it ourselves in some detail.


Preparing for what comes next

To coincide with the 23rd anniversary of the handover of Hong Kong from Britain to the People’s Republic of China (PRC), on Wednesday last week Beijing activated its new national security legislation for the territory.

China’s Hong Kong and Macau Affairs Office Deputy Director Zhang Xiaoming (張曉明) crassly characterized the imposition — which extends Beijing’s legislation on crimes of sedition, separatism, terrorism and collusion with foreign or external forces to the former British colony — as a “birthday gift” to Hong Kong.


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ational Taiwan University students and other protesters take to the stage yesterday after protests over the rental of the university’s athletic field for the “Sing! China: Shanghai-Taipei Music Festival” led to the concert being canceled.
Photo: Chou Yen-yu, Taipei Times

The “Sing! China: Shanghai-Taipei Music Festival” scheduled for yesterday at National Taiwan University’s (NTU) athletic field came to an abrupt end following protests by pro-Taiwan independence groups and students at the school against the university’s decision to rent the venue for the event.