Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

Taiwan pork logic confuses the US

US pork exports grew by 45 percent between 2010 and last year, while those of US beef doubled. Average annual growth of US pork and beef exports during this period has been 4 percent and 8 percent respectively.

US pork has been available in Taiwan for more than 20 years, but because Taiwanese prefer domestically produced pork — freshly slaughtered without being refrigerated or frozen — home-grown pork has a 90.6 percent share of the market.

Out of 2.67 million tonnes of pork exported by the US last year, only a little more than 11,000 tonnes were shipped to Taiwan — a mere 1.2 percent of its pork market.


US lawmakers call to rename TECRO

A sign outside the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office in Washington is pictured on Nov. 25.
Photo: Lu Yi-hsuan, Taipei Times

A joint letter by 78 US lawmakers calls on the US government to change the name of the Taipei Economic and Cultural Representative Office (TECRO) in Washington to the “Taiwan Representative Office” and start talks toward a free-trade agreement.


Supporting Taiwan against China

Every time I read another news article about China’s harassment of Taiwan, its nonstop efforts to undermine Taiwan’s relations with the international community, I feel outraged. And my outrage is not just directed at China, it is directed at China’s enablers.

Those enablers include every major country in the free world. For far too long, they have allowed Beijing to dictate the terms on which they engage with Taiwan. Whenever foreign officials do so much as talk to Taiwanese officials, China angrily accuses them of meddling in its “internal affairs.” But this is exactly what China is guilty of. It has no right to tell other countries who they can and cannot talk to.


Taiwan’s place in ‘Asian NATO’

The dynamics in the Indo-Pacific region and the South China Sea have changed radically over the past few years.

Only a few years ago, China was building up South China Sea fortifications with apparent impunity, insisting on possession of the area within its “nine-dash line,” continuing to threaten Taiwan and using military intimidation against Japan over claims over the Diaoyutais (釣魚台), or the Senkakus in Japan.


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The alleged illegality of the National Security Council (NSC) secretary-general sitting in on meetings of the National Police Agency (NPA) and Ministry of Justice’s Investigation Bureau suggests that the nation is in need of a new Republic of China constitution, civic organizations said yesterday.

NSC Secretary-General King Pu-tsung (金溥聰) came under fire from legislators across party lines when he visited the police agency on Wednesday and the Investigation Bureau on Friday.