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DPP condemns use of force, Ma stays silent

The Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) yesterday issued a statement condemning Beijing for using force on protesters in Xinjiang and called on President Ma Ying-jeou to follow suit.

The DPP also called on the Ma administration to discuss democracy and human rights in cross-strait talks and make them prerequisites for improving relations with China.

Last Updated ( Wednesday, 08 July 2009 08:44 ) Read more...

Xinjiang riot claims 140 lives: Beijing

Chinese riot police patrol a street following riots in Urumqi, Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region, China, yesterday.

Violent street battles killed at least 140 people and injured 828 others in the deadliest ethnic unrest to hit China’s western Xinjiang region in decades and officials said yesterday that the death toll was expected to rise.

Police sealed off streets in parts of the provincial capital, Urumqi, after discord between ethnic Muslim Uighurs and China’s Han majority erupted into riots. Witnesses reported a new protest yesterday in a second city, Kashgar.

Last Updated ( Tuesday, 07 July 2009 08:59 ) Read more...

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Former vice president Annette Lu (呂秀蓮) and former Presidential Office secretary-general Yu Shyi-kun (游錫堃) were found not guilty by the Taipei District Court yesterday of using fraudulent receipts to claim state affairs funds during their stint in the Presidential Office.

The Taipei District Court said that given their positions in the government, Lu and Yu were busy with public affairs and left using receipts to claim fund reimbursements to their aides.