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Four self immolation in Tibet in 2 days

Tsephag Kyab, 21, set himself on fire in Labrang region in Sangchu County, Eastern Tibet
Tsephag Kyab, 21, set himself on fire in Labrang region in Sangchu County, Eastern Tibet

DHARAMSHALA, October 27: Four Tibetans have immolated themselves in just two days in three different regions of Tibet.

Tsephag Kyab, 21, set himself on fire yesterday around 7 PM (local time) in Labrang Sangkho in Sangchu. He succumbed to his injuries at the protest site.

Tsephag is survived by his wife Dorjee Dolma, 18, mother Lumo Jam and an elder brother named Tashi Dhondup.


Ma has failed to stand up to Beijing: report

A new study by the conservative American Enterprise Institute (AEI) said the administration of President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) had failed to stand up to Beijing.

It said that following the signing of the Economic Cooperation Framework Agreement (ECFA), Taipei appears “content to accept” whatever increase in the nation’s international status Beijing allows.

“Such is the path of least resistance, but one that does not necessarily lead to the brightest future,” the study said.


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The Philippines’ decision to send 14 Taiwanese fraud suspects to China for trial was made in observance of Manila’s “one China” policy, Philippine Presidential Executive Secretary Paquito Ochoa Jr said yesterday.

Ochoa’s remarks in an interview on DZMM Radio in the Philippines were the first official comment from the Presidential Office in Manila since a dispute broke out on Feb. 2 between Taiwan and the Philippines over Manila’s deportation of 14 Taiwanese to China that same day.