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China spying aggressively: report

Despite warming cross-strait ties, China continues to engage in “aggressive espionage activities” against Taiwan, says a report to the US Congress.

In the past year alone, Taipei officials have arrested five former military officers for spying.

One of these cases is particularly damaging, involving a former Taiwanese navy commander who is suspected of selling classified submarine nautical charts and other information about the waters surrounding the nation to China.


Hundreds protest at KMT congress

Two boys throw shoes at a picture of Vice President Wu Den-yih outside the venue of the Chinese Nationalist Party’s (KMT) national congress in Greater Taichung yesterday. Photo: Liao Chen-huei, Taipei Times

Hundreds of people from various groups yesterday vented their ire toward President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) and his Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) outside the party’s 19th national congress in Greater Taichung’s Wuci District (梧棲), by chanting slogans and throwing shoes.

Members of the Alliance of Referendum for Taiwan and the 908 Taiwan Republic Campaign shouted: “Step down, Ma” and “No to the service trade pact,” as they hurled shoes over police barricades toward convoys carrying the president and other high-ranking government officials when the vehicles arrived at the Taichung Stadium where the meeting began at about 8am yesterday. None of the shoes hit the vehicles as the protesters were barred dozens of meters away from the entrance.


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Sanctions imposed by the Chinese government on foreign officials have only encouraged more lawmakers from around the world to visit Taiwan, as their relations with the nation cannot be determined by others, Dutch lawmaker Sjoerd Sjoerdsma said in Taipei yesterday.

Sjoerdsma is visiting Taiwan as part of a delegation from the Inter-Parliamentary Alliance on China (IPAC). The group arrived on Tuesday.