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Curriculum Protests: Groups demand release of students

Protesters allegedly trying to break into the Ministry of Education building clash with police in Taipei early yesterday morning.
Photo: CNA

High-school student protesters and civic groups yesterday rallied outside the Ministry of Education building in Taipei, demanding the release of students arrested in the early hours of the morning after breaking into the complex.


Protesters storm out of ministry forum

Students from Tainan National First High School yesterday unfurl banners during a meeting held by the Ministry of Education to discuss the government’s planned changes to high-school curriculum guidelines. The students asked that Minister of Education Wu Se-hwa respond to their concerns in person.
Photo: Wang Chun-chung, Taipei Times

Students from the Northern Taiwan Anti-Curriculum Changes Alliance yesterday stormed out of a Ministry of Education sponsored forum in Taipei on controversial adjustments to high-school curriculum guidelines.


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U.S. Senator Robert Menendez, a Democrat from New Jersey and chairman of the Senate Foreign Relations Committee, speaks during a hearing in Washington, April 26, 2022.
Photo: Reuters


A bill described by its sponsors as “the most comprehensive restructuring of US policy toward Taiwan since the Taiwan Relations Act of 1979,” was expected to receive bipartisan support at a committee hearing yesterday, one of its initiators said on Tuesday.

“I think we will have a strong bipartisan vote tomorrow that we’re working on,” US Senator Bob Menendez said a day before the US Senate Foreign Relations Committee, which Menendez chairs, was to mark up the draft Taiwan policy act (TPA).