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DPP urges unity on bill addressing UN resolution

Lawmakers from all political parties should support a proposed motion that would clarify UN Resolution 2758, Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) legislators told a news conference yesterday, but opposition party members later walked out of a cross-party meeting when the topic was raised.

DPP legislators Chiu Yi-ying (邱議瑩), Michelle Lin (林楚茵), Su Chiao-hui (蘇巧慧) and Puma Shen (沈伯洋) said that the news conference was held to “oppose China’s distortion of UN Resolution 2758 and call on all political parties to speak up for Taiwan.”

UN Resolution 2758 does not have anything to do with Taiwan’s sovereignty and international status, and Taiwan rejects China’s attempts to distort the truth, they said.


MOFA to focus on clarifying UN 2758

Taiwan will appeal to the international community to stop China from misrepresenting UN Resolution 2758 when the UN General Assembly meets later this month, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) said yesterday.

The ministry made the remarks at a news conference in Taipei on its objectives to promote Taiwan’s inclusion in the world body.

The 79th UN General Assembly is to open on Tuesday next week at its headquarters in New York. The assembly is to hold its general debate from Sept. 24 to 28, focusing on the theme: “Leaving no one behind: Acting together for the advancement of peace, sustainable development and human dignity for present and future,” Deputy Minister of Foreign Affairs Tien Chung-kwang (田中光) said.


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The vandalized bronze statue of Japanese engineer Yoichi Hatta is covered with a tarpaulin yesterday in Tainan’s Yoichi Hatta Memorial Park.
Photo: Yang Chin-cheng, Taipei Times

China Unification Promotion Party member Lee Cheng-lung (李承龍) yesterday admitted being involved in the decapitation of a bronze statue of Japanese engineer Yoichi Hatta in Tainan on Sunday.