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Groups call for probe into professors’ language ban

Taipei City Councilor Miao Po-ya of the Social Democratic Party, right, speaks at a news conference held in Taipei yesterday by the Taiwan Association of University Professors and the Taiwan Forever Society in response to National Taiwan University professor Jerome Geaun’s remark that speaking Hoklo is similar to smoking cigarettes.
Photo: CNA

Academics and legal experts yesterday asked the Control Yuan to investigate alleged breaches of the National Languages Development Act (國家語言發展法) at National Taiwan University (NTU), after two professors instituted a rule that school meetings must be conducted in Mandarin only.


Taipei presses Beijing for answers on Taiwanese missing after HK protest

Mainland Affairs Council Deputy Minister Chiu Chui-cheng speaks at a news conference in Taipei yesterday.
Photo: Chung Li-hua, Taipei Times

Taiwan yesterday urged China to provide information on the whereabouts of a Taiwanese activist who went missing after joining pro-democracy protests in Hong Kong this month.


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Representatives of Taiwan March, Taiwan Inversion and the Appendectomy Project yesterday announce a rally to be held on Sunday next to the Legislative Yuan in Taipei to back various demands for political reform.
Photo: Chien Jung-fong, Taipei Times

Several groups are planning to hold a mass rally next to the Legislative Yuan on Sunday to call for an end to what they say is the hereditary control of local politics and to back demands for reform of the Referendum Act (公民投票法).

Organizers, including Taiwan March, Taiwan Inversion and the Appendectomy Project, said the nation’s electoral politics require a major overhaul to ensure channels for direct democracy.