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HK office opens as Tsai laments law

President Tsai Ing-wen yesterday expresses her disappointment regarding China’s passage of a national security law for Hong Kong at Chunghwa Telecom Co’s news conference in Taipei for the launch of its 5G services.
Photo: CNA

The Taiwan-Hong Kong Services and Exchanges Office today officially opens in Hong Kong, where it is to provide humanitarian assistance to Hong Kongers, after Beijing yesterday passed a controversial national security law for the territory.


All caucuses to discuss naming issues

Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) legislators push through a police line at the entrance to the legislative chamber in Taipei yesterday afternoon.
Photo: Peter Lo, Taipei Times

All legislative caucuses have said that they are open to discussing naming issues concerning the national carrier China Airlines (CAL) and the nation’s passport cover at cross-caucus negotiations today to set the agenda for the next provisional legislative session.


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Taiwan continued to drop down the list of countries with a free press, a new global study on press freedom shows.

In a survey released on Monday by the Washington-based think tank Freedom House, Taiwan ranked 48th in the world in press freedom last year. It ranked 47th in 2009 and 43rd in 2008.

The nation scored a total of 24 negative points compared with 23 in 2009 and 20 in each of the previous three years.