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Chinese incursions highest since 1996

A Chinese H-6 bomber flies near the median line of the Taiwan Strait on Sept. 18 last year.
Photo: Reuters

The number of Chinese incursions into Taiwan’s air defense identification zone (ADIZ) last year was the highest since 1996, with the majority of them occurring in the zone’s southwest, a government-funded report has said.


Trump signs Taiwan Assurance Act

Presidential Office spokesman Xavier Chang speaks to reporters at a briefing in Taipei on Oct. 20.
Photo: CNA

The US$2.3 trillion government spending package that US President Donald Trump finally signed on Sunday evening incorporates the Taiwan Assurance Act of 2020, as well as money to support activities under the Global Cooperation and Training Framework initiative launched in 2015.


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Premier Su Tseng-chang, right, bumps elbows with visiting US Senator Tammy Duckworth at the Executive Yuan in Taipei yesterday.
Photo courtesy of the Executive Yuan

The US National Guard is planning to cooperate with the Taiwanese military, President Tsai Ing-wen (蔡英文) said yesterday, a day after China made its second-largest incursion into the nation’s air defense identification zone (ADIZ) this year.

Meeting visiting US Senator Tammy Duckworth at the Presidential Office in Taipei, Tsai said the lawmaker was one of the main sponsors of the Taiwan partnership act, which had received bipartisan support in the US Congress, although it has yet to become law.