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Taiwan remembers democracy pioneer / Taipei Times 20090405

The Deng Nan-jung Memorial Hall yesterday marked the 20th anniversary of the death of democracy movement pioneer Deng Nan-jung with a renewed pledge to push for freedom and human rights.

On April 7, 1989, Deng, then editor-in-chief of Freedom Era Weekly, set himself on fire as heavily armed police attempted to break into his office following his 71 days of self-imposed isolation after he was charged with sedition for the anti-government views expressed in his magazine, which published a draft “Republic of Taiwan constitution” in 1988.

Last Updated ( Wednesday, 15 April 2009 12:07 ) Read more...

Statement by former president Chen Shui-bian

I have been detained for 118 days now. My personal freedom has been taken away by Ma Ying-jeou’s administration. The KMT government, attempting to cage my freedom of expression, has used detention as a mean to threaten and punish me. Yet I remain unafraid. I must stand tall and appeal to the world. I must protest and tell my story for the sake of freedom, democracy, human rights and justice in Taiwan. I believe that the verdict in my case was prepared long in advance and that my sentence has already been determined since such decisions are not really up to the prosecutors and judges who are merely following orders.

Last Updated ( Wednesday, 15 April 2009 12:08 ) Read more...

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Kaohsiung Mayor Chen Chu, center, yesterday speaks to the media after visiting former president Chen Shui-bian with vice president-elect Chen Chien-jen in Kaohsiung.
Photo: Chang Chung-i, Taipei Times

The Presidential Office has rejected a renewed call from local governments to pardon former president Chen Shui-bian (陳水扁), saying there are still ongoing criminal cases involving Chen.