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Home The News News Chen removes cast, still limping, secretary says

Chen removes cast, still limping, secretary says

Former president Chen Shui-bian’s secretary said yesterday that Chen had taken off the cast on his right foot, but was still hobbling when he walks.

Chiang Chih-ming said the former president no longer needed the cast for tendonitis in the foot, and did not need a wheelchair.

However, Chen still walks with a bit of a limp, so he may not be able to get much exercise at the detention center, Chiang said.

Last week Chen was diagnosed by Taipei Detention Center physicians with tendonitis in his right foot, caused by abnormal bone growth.

He wore a cast and used a wheelchair when he appeared at Taipei District Court last week for his corruption trial.

The former president, who has been held at the detention center since December, received visits from former college classmates yesterday.

Chen was glad to see his old friends, but said that because he had difficulty walking and exercising, he asked friends and family to refrain from giving him too much food, otherwise he might put on too much weight, Chiang said.

The former president’s daughter, Chen Hsing-yu, son Chen Chih-chung and son-in-law Chao Chien-ming, as well as former Taipei Financial Center Corp chairwoman Diana Chen were charged with perjury on Friday.

On the same day, former first lady Wu Shu-jen was indicted for perjury after allegedly instructing her children to lie during a probe into the embezzlement charges against her and her husband.

Source: Taipei Times 2009/07/21

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Last Updated ( Tuesday, 21 July 2009 08:03 )  


Alliance of Referendum for Taiwan convener Tsay Ting-kuei speaks outside the Taipei District Prosecutors’ Office yesterday in defense of National Taiwan University student Hung Chung-yen and several others who took part in a demonstration outside the Zhongzheng First Police Precinct headquarters on April 11 and who were summoned for questioning about the protest yesterday.
Photo: Chien Lee-chung, Taipei Times

Civic and human rights groups yesterday rallied outside the Taipei District Prosecutors’ Office as several participants in the April 11 demonstration outside Zhongzheng First Police Precinct headquarters arrived for questioning.

Activists from the Judicial Reform Foundation, the Taiwan Association for Human Rights, the Restoration of Taiwan Social Justice, Taiwan Forever and the Taiwan Association of University Professors held placards and flags, and chanted slogans accusing the government of acting unconstitutionally.