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Professor Jerome A. Cohen calls for Taiwan’s legal scholars to speak out on law reforms

Anyone who cares about law and government has to be impressed by visiting Taiwan. Its democratically elected president and legislature, spurred by the interpretations of its independent Constitutional Court, have just ended the power of the police to imprison people without affording them the full protections of the newly revised judicial process.

Last Updated ( Wednesday, 17 June 2009 16:06 ) Read more...

Ma defends lawsuit against prosecutor Hou

President Ma Ying-jeou yesterday defended his decision to file an appeal in court, insisting that he did the right thing and it was his duty to go forward and not to turn back.

“I did something I am supposed to do and I will proceed without hesitation,” Ma was quoted as saying by Presidential Office Public Affairs Department Director Tsai Chung-li, who said Ma made the remarks after learning about public criticism of his decision to appeal.


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China’s top leaders say Tibet’s development must include Tibetan areas in neighboring provinces — a move likely aimed at tying the region tighter to the rest of the country after deadly riots two years ago.

Chinese President Hu Jintao (胡錦濤) told the first high-level meeting on Tibet in nine years that the development would require hard work to prevent “penetration and sabotage” by separatists working for Tibet’s independence, Xinhua news agency reported late on Friday.