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Chen Hsing-yu suicide bid story denied

Former president Chen Shui-bian’s office yesterday dismissed a report that his daughter Chen Hsing-yu had attempted suicide last month after learning about a court order barring her from leaving the country.

The travel ban was imposed after she was questioned by prosecutors on June 22 about allegations of perjury. She had planned on traveling to the US to study.


DPP condemns use of force, Ma stays silent

The Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) yesterday issued a statement condemning Beijing for using force on protesters in Xinjiang and called on President Ma Ying-jeou to follow suit.

The DPP also called on the Ma administration to discuss democracy and human rights in cross-strait talks and make them prerequisites for improving relations with China.

Last Updated ( Wednesday, 08 July 2009 08:44 ) Read more...

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Former first lady Wu Shu-jen on Thursday urged judicial authorities to grant former president Chen Shui-bian a release from prison for medical treatment after visiting Chen at Taipei Prison.
Photo: Taipei Times

The Ministry of Justice (MOJ) last night announced that former president Chen Shui-bian (陳水扁) would be able to leave Taipei Prison for medical treatment as soon as a hospital visit could be arranged.

The announcement came as Minister of Justice Tseng Yung-fu (曾勇夫) defended the prison’s handling of Chen health earlier in the day and a day after former first lady Wu Shu-jen (吳淑珍) asked the prison to send her husband to a hospital not affiliated with the prison for a checkup