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White Terror name list updated

On Friday, Green Island Human Rights Memorial Park will debut a series of events to mark the 60th anniversary of the declaration of martial law, during which an updated name-list of White Terror victims will be unveiled.

The memorial park’s administration said a total of 8,296 names would be disclosed, which is seven times the number disclosed in 1999 by the Bo Yang Human Rights Educational Foundation. The park’s administration entrusted Taiwan Art-in Design with collecting and verifying the information concerning White Terror victims.


Current NSC chief was entertained by China: Chang

Former vice secretary of the National Security Council (NSC) Parris Chang recently wrote in the Formosa Post that NSC Secretary-General Su Chi visited China in 2005 when he was serving as a Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) legislator and that he was looked after by the Chinese government.

During his stay, he gave a speech at a Chinese Communist Party (CCP) school in which he spoke out against the US government’s sale of military items to Taiwan, a move that caused the US to suspect Su’s allegiance, Chang said.


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Taiwan Association for the Care of the Victims of Political Persecution During the Martial Law Period secretary-general Tsai Kuan-yu (蔡寬裕) has called on the government to declassify important articles and reveal the methods that the military police used to extract confessions.

Tsai’s remarks came in the wake of a recent controversy caused by a military police visit to a civilian’s home over an alleged online sale of classified government documents.