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Tibetan envoys back in India after talks with Beijing

Envoys of Tibet’s exiled spiritual leader the Dalai Lama returned to India yesterday after talks in China on the future of the troubled Himalayan region, a spokesman for the Dalai Lama said.

The two envoys arrived back in New Delhi following meetings with Chinese government representatives which began in Hunan, before moving to Beijing at the weekend, the Dalai Lama’s senior secretary Chhime Chhoekyapa said.


Taiwan must push for jets, subs: DPP

The Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) yesterday urged the government to push for more arms from the US in the wake of press reports that the Navy may have detected a Chinese submarine in the waters off Kaohsiung last week.

DPP spokesman Tsai Chi-chang (蔡其昌) said the government should not let national defense slacken in the wake of the alleged submarine intrusion and other aggressive Chinese military action.


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aiwanese independence supporters wave flags and shout slogans at the Formosa Alliance’s rally in Taipei yesterday to demand the right to hold a referendum on Taiwanese independence.
Photo: EPA / Ritchie B. Tongo

Under the Formosa Alliance’s rallying call, tens of thousands of people yesterday gathered in front of the Democratic Progressive Party’s (DPP) headquarters in Taipei, demanding an amendment to the Referendum Act (公民投票法) to allow for a poll promoting Taiwanese independence and rejecting Chinese annexation.