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Study warns of submarine arms race

With the US stalling on Taiwan’s request to purchase diesel-electric submarines, The Heritage Foundation said in a study that there is now a “submarine arms race” in the Pacific Ocean.

The 13-page study says that since the end of the Cold War, China has dramatically expanded its Navy, especially its submarine fleet, adding dozens of attack subs since 1995.


Chinese dissidents urge Taiwan not to compromise

Chinese dissident Yang Jianli (楊建利) yesterday urged Taiwan not to forget about democracy, freedom or its sovereignty when pursuing closer relations with China.

“I would like to call on President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) to use the language of democracy and freedom when developing closer ties with China. Taiwanese should pay more attention to their sovereignty so that it won’t be damaged when interacting with China,” Yang told a press conference coorganized by domestic civic groups to voice their support for democracy and human rights activists in China.


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More than 60 academics and members of civic groups launched a petition yesterday to boycott the Chinese-language China Times newspaper over recent controversial remarks by its owner, Tsai Eng-meng (蔡衍明), concerning the 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre.

Tsai, chairman and chief executive of the Want Want Group (旺旺集團) and owner of multiple media outlets including the China Times, said in an interview last month with the Washington Post that the 1989 crackdown on June 4 in Beijing did not constitute a massacre.