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Cyberattacks traced to Chinese schools

A series of online attacks on Google and dozens of other US corporations have been traced to computers at two educational institutions in China, including one with close ties to the Chinese military, people involved in the investigation said.

They also said the attacks, aimed at stealing trade secrets and computer codes and capturing the e-mails of Chinese human rights activists, may have begun as early as April, months earlier than previously believed. Google announced on Jan. 12 that it and other companies had been subjected to sophisticated attacks that probably came from China.


Ma’s ‘two nations’ comment a mistake: PO

President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) would not address the two sides of Taiwan Strait as “two nations” in describing cross-strait relations, the Presidential Office said yesterday.

“According to the Constitution, the Republic of China [ROC] is a sovereign nation, and mainland China is an ‘area’ under the structure of the ROC Constitution,” ­Presidential Office Spokesman Wang Yu-chi (王郁琦) said.


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Google’s partial withdrawal from the China market yesterday brought swift condemnation from the government while leaving Chinese Web surfers to wonder whether they would be able to access a new offshore search engine site or be blocked by censors.

Google’s decision to move most of its China-based search functions to Hong Kong opened a new phase in a two-month-long fracas pitting the world’s most powerful Internet company against a government that tightly restricts the Web in the planet’s most populous market.