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Task force mulls plan to emphasize Chinese history

The Ministry of Education (MOE) yesterday denied it would put more emphasis on Chinese history, saying a task force was still considering making changes to the high school curriculum.

“The Department of Secondary Education’s stance on the issue is clear. We respect the expertise of the task force,” department director Chang Ming-wen (張明文) told reporters at the ministry. “[The task force] has not finalized the changes. I believe members of the task force will consider public opinion when deliberating the issue.”


Google searchers find ‘incompetent’ Ma a ‘bad omen’

The first two options search engine Google Taiwan offers when a user starts to key in the president’s name — Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) — are “incompetent (無能)” and “bad omen (帶賽).”

Popular links related to a search target automatically show in a drop-down menu on Google when an Internet user types the first word about the target. After typing in the first two characters of the president’s name, “Ma” (馬) and “Ying” (英) in Google Taiwan’s search bar, suggested popular links with words including “the incompetent Ma Ying-jeou” and “Ma Ying-jeou brings bad luck” pop up.


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Li Kexin, minister at the Chinese embassy in the US, speaks at an embassy event in Washington yesterday.
Photo: Nadia Tsao, Taipei Times

The day US Navy vessels arrive in Kaohsiung would be the day the Chinese People’s Liberation Army “unifies” Taiwan by force, said Li Kexin (李克新), minister at the Chinese embassy in the US.