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Taipei confirms ‘secret’ channels

The Presidential Office yesterday confirmed that Taipei and Beijing have been using unofficial communication channels, adding that all matters concerning the exercise of public power must be handled by quasi-official conduits and supervised by the legislature.

Presidential Office Spokesman Lo Chih-chiang (羅智強) said cross-strait exchanges and communications consisted of official and unofficial channels.


Academics warn of danger to democracy

Academics assessing the nation’s democratic performance during the first half of President Ma Ying-jeou’s (馬英九) term yesterday urged the public “to provoke disputes” to revive the system of checks and balances that they said has been noticeably weakened under Chinese Nationalist Party’s (KMT) rule.

“The nation’s democracy has been in peril these past two years and I have been wondering on ways to resolve it, and my conclusion is that intellectuals must use [their] knowledge to provoke [public] disputes,” said Liu Chin-hsing (劉進興), professor of chemistry at National Taiwan University of Science and Technology.


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Free Taiwan Party (FTP) Chairman Tsay Ting-kuei , second left, and FTP legislative candidates raise their fists at a press conference in Taipei yesterday to announce the party’s list of legislative at-large and constituency candidates.
Photo: Chen Chih-chu, Taipei Times

Pro-independence advocates yesterday called on voters to support the Free Taiwan Party (FTP), saying at a news conference in Taipei that the pan-green camp as a whole — rather than just the Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) — should win the majority in next year’s legislative elections, adding that other pan-green parties should keep the DPP in check if it wins the presidency.