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Taiwan arms no reason to harm US-China ties: Gates

US Secretary of Defense Robert Gates yesterday chided China for suspending military ties over US arms sales to Taiwan, saying Beijing’s stance “makes little sense.”

Renewing his call for stronger relations between the Chinese and US militaries, Gates said such a dialogue should not be “held hostage” over the weapons sales.


Opposition vows ‘10-year’ ECFA fight

Opposition parties yesterday vowed to begin a “10-year resistance” against the government’s plan to sign an economic cooperation framework agreement (ECFA) with China, including organizing large-scale protests calling for a referendum on the controversial pact.

The Executive Yuan’s Referendum Review Committee on Thursday night voted 12-4 against an opposition-supported referendum proposal asking voters whether they agreed that the government should sign an ECFA with China. The committee said the question did not fall under what was allowed under the Referendum Act (公民投票法).


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US Secretary of Defense Robert Gates said that following his substantive meetings in Beijing this week, which included talks with Chinese President Hu Jintao (胡錦濤), he did not anticipate any change in US policies toward Taiwan.

At a roundtable meeting with US reporters in Beijing, Gates said he was completing a “very positive visit” that had been “superior to any previous visit that I have had here in China.”