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Arrests made in China amid online protest calls

Several top Chinese rights activists have disappeared into police custody as a Web campaign urged angry citizens to mark the Middle East’s “Jasmine Revolution” with protests, campaigners said yesterday.

More than 100 activists in cities across China were taken away by police, confined to their homes or were missing, the Hong Kong-based group Information Center for Human Rights and Democracy said.


Friends remember Jigme

Tears, memories, pictures, butter lamps, written messages and a video clip, friends of the Dalai Lama’s 45-year-old nephew Jigme Norbu — who was killed in a traffic accident during his latest “Walk for Tibet” campaign in Florida on Monday — gathered in Taipei to remember him.

“I learned about the news that Jigme Norbu was launching a ‘Walk for Tibet’ in Taiwan on Dec. 9 [last year]. I signed up to join him on the walk and departed the next morning,” said Huang Shu-chiao (黃淑嬌), who accompanied Jigme all the way on his 407km walk from Taipei to Kaohsiung over 13 days.


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US Secretary of State Hillary Rodham Clinton said yesterday the world must respond to the sinking of a South Korean warship that has been blamed on North Korea.

“This was an unacceptable provocation by North Korea, and the international community has a responsibility and a duty to respond,” Clinton said after talks with South Korean leaders.