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Fears of Japan nuclear meltdown rise

An explosion and feared meltdown at a Japanese nuclear plant yesterday exposed the scale of the disaster facing the country after a massive quake and tsunami left more than 1,000 dead.

Japanese Prime Minister Naoto Kan said the magnitude 8.9 quake and the terrifying tsunami that followed were an “unprecedented national disaster” and vowed to protect those living near the stricken plant.

Reactor cooling systems failed at two nuclear facilities after Friday’s record earthquake, which unleashed a terrifying 10m tsunami that tore through coastal towns and cities, destroying everything in its path.


Supporters speak out on behalf of arrested Tibetans

Writers, musicians, an environmentalist and a student yesterday voiced their support for about 20 Tibetans arrested in recent years for their opposition to the Chinese occupation of Tibet.

“We may speak different languages, but we share a common language, which is ‘freedom,’” rapper and songwriter Chang Jui-chuan (張睿詮) told a press conference in Taipei to support Tibetan musicians, writers, filmmakers and artists arrested in China.

“We may believe in different religions, but we share one common faith — this is ‘human rights,’” Chang said.


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>President Tsai Ing-wen addresses yesterday’s Global Taiwan National Affairs Symposium in a pre-recorded speech.
Screen grab from YouTube

Taiwanese will demonstrate to the world that their nation is capable of defending its sovereignty and ensure that the future of Taiwan will be decided by its people, President Tsai Ing-wen (蔡英文) and Vice President William Lai (賴清德) said yesterday in pre-recorded remarks at the Global Taiwan National Affairs Symposium.