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Home Taesiong Scripture

228 Taiwanese Spirits Taesiong Scripture

Chapter 10: Postlogue

The Taiwanese Martyred Spirits are the earthly rooted Bodhisattvas of Taiwan, as well as the Messiahs whom the Lord sends to humanity.  Because of their dedication to planting democracy and human rights in Taiwan, they were sacrificed.  Yet, in response to the fortune and prosperity of Taiwanese people and their future generations, they shall be with you once more.  Thus, for those who are willing to recognize and concur with Taiwan, cultivate and uphold this Scripture, and vow to be with Taiwan from peace to chaos, life to death; shall naturally possess an indestructible strength, and shall absolutely be protected and blessed.  Please solemnly record in your heart.


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In the wake of the Miaoli County Government’s forced seizure of farmland in Jhunan Township’s (竹南) Dapu Borough (大埔), residents of Taipei County’s Gongliao Township (貢寮) are worried about the possible ecological impact of a plan to take over wetlands in Tianliaoyang Village (田寮洋) and turn the area into a housing complex.

According to a plan initiated by the Council for Economic Planning and Development (CEPD) in March, a total of 688.5 hectares of land in Gongliao would be expropriated to sell to major corporations to build hotels or housing complexes.