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Taipei Times

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# Article Title Author Hits
921 KMT in a panic over ‘spy’ allegations Taipei Times Editorial 430
922 US Army should choose Taiwan Grant Newsham 357
923 Beware tiger, mice can roar Taipei Times Editorial 417
924 HK at the front of a new Cold War Wir fur Hongkong 375
925 Democrats must stand up to China Gray Sergeant 414
926 US port calls benefit Taiwan Taipei Times Editorial 367
927 Reading between the lines Taipei Times Editorial 380
928 Slavery on China’s plantations Taipei Times Editorial 362
929 All languages equally important Taipei Times 377
930 Taiwan’s economy on the upswing Taipei Times Editorial 359
931 US and Australia too late on Pacific Bill Sharp 386
932 Czechs turn PRC game against it Joseph Bosco 377
933 Beijing’s latest bid to lure voters Taipei Times Editorial 361
934 Ko casts stones from glass house Chamberlain Lee 李柏翰 396
935 Tsai controls the defense narrative David Brown 404
936 Dance tour a ‘united front’ tactic Taipei Times Editorial 414
937 Taiwan-Japan ties still blooming Wang Hui-sheng 王輝生 376
938 Alleged HK killer now a CCP tool Jackie Lim 林鴻達 409
939 Pro-independence rally seeks ROC’s end Taipei Times 419
940 Beijing’s sharp power is blunted Liberty Times Editorial 376
Page 47 of 142


The Washington Post printed a front-page story on Saturday saying that China had launched a multimillion-dollar lobbying effort “so effective that it is challenging the heralded efforts of nemesis Taiwan.”

According to the story, China has dramatically improved its image in the US and now has enough friends in Congress to blunt at least some pro-Taiwan legislation.