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Taipei Times

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# Article Title Author Hits
1101 Warming ties between Taiwan, US Sumit Kumar 588
1102 Taiwan has to assert its sovereignty to the world James Wang王景弘 547
1103 White Wolf incident needs firm response Huang Di-ying 黃帝穎 562
1104 Taiwan, allies must think ahead Gerrit van der Wees 651
1105 What comes next for angry Tsai? Huang Tien-lin 黃天麟 418
1106 Taiwan’s past haunting textbooks Taipei Times Editorial 523
1107 Tsai must fulfill her historic duty Chin Heng-wei 金恒煒 766
1108 MOFA should speak for Taiwan Taipei Times Editorial 577
1109 Public must follow world affairs Chiang Kuan-yu 姜冠宇 518
1110 KMT honors Beijing, but not Chiang Ching-kuo James Wang 王景弘 670
1111 Chinese identity was short-lived Sebo Koh 許世模 742
1112 Trump sees Taiwan as reliable ally Parris Chang 張旭成 573
1113 Confronting Chinese aggression Taipei Times Editorial 530
1114 Beijing unease calls for boldness Taipei Times Editorial 534
1115 The world knows of Taiwan, not the ROC Chang Kuo-tsai 張國財 461
1116 It is about time for Taiwan to ‘deROCize’ Sebo Koh 許世模 492
1117 It is time to rid Taiwan of the ROC Taipei Times Editorial 611
1118 Diplomatic policy needs explaining Taipei Times Editorial 599
1119 Rethinking cross-strait strategies Jack Broome 439
1120 Tsai must abandon her overcautious mindset Lau Yi-te 劉一德 452
Page 56 of 139


More than 60 academics and members of civic groups launched a petition yesterday to boycott the Chinese-language China Times newspaper over recent controversial remarks by its owner, Tsai Eng-meng (蔡衍明), concerning the 1989 Tiananmen Square massacre.

Tsai, chairman and chief executive of the Want Want Group (旺旺集團) and owner of multiple media outlets including the China Times, said in an interview last month with the Washington Post that the 1989 crackdown on June 4 in Beijing did not constitute a massacre.