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Home Editorials of Interest Taipei Times China must be held accountable by world

China must be held accountable by world

China’s oppression of its own citizens and dissidents not only harms human rights domestically, but also casts a shadow on its neighbors. Taiwan’s frontline fight against the rollback of human rights requires global attention and support from other democratic countries.

The UN Human Rights Council on Tuesday conducted a new universal periodic review on China. It is clear and without doubt that Beijing’s continued repression of human rights has triggered waves of criticisms and protests domestically, and also cast a shadow on its neighbors.

Over the past few years, protests in Tibet, Xinjiang and Hong Kong have demonstrated the people’s desire for democracy and greater human rights protections. The introduction of a social credit system and the forced disappearance of pro-democracy activists have raised concerns. China’s violent suppression and refusal to acknowledge the appeals of the public is disheartening.

The international media have extensively covered the Chinese government’s forced rehabilitation of Muslim Uighurs in Xinjiang Uighur Autonomous Region “re-education camps.” The Chinese government’s labeling of innocent individuals as “extremists” and its systematic efforts to eradicate the unique culture and Islamic faith of the Uighurs are clear indicators of ongoing minority oppression in China.

China is also tightening its grip on the ability of individuals in Hong Kong to participate in politics. The disqualifications of Lau Siu-lai (劉小麗) and others in an effort to silence the public are in gross violation of the “one country, two systems” declaration and threaten Hong Kong’s civic society. China’s continued repression will only further alienate Hong Kong’s citizens and expose “one country under two systems” as a myth.

The New Power Party (NPP), as a party native to Taiwan, an advocate for the establishment of national normalcy and supporter of democracy in the region, urges the international community to take its responsibility in view of China’s human rights violations.

China’s use of economic coercion and the Belt and Road Initiative to export its own imperialistic ambitions threatens to undo half a century of democracy, human rights and rule of law in the region. Only through collective efforts can we reverse the humanitarian crisis of the century.

With local elections on Nov. 24, Taiwan is all the more vulnerable to China’s meddling and encroachment. The NPP appeals to the international community to join forces in condemning China, to call for an end to its internal repression and external economic coercion, and to declare their support for democracy in Taiwan — allowing Taiwan to continue to be a champion of human rights and peace in the global community.

Chen Nah-chia is an NPP press officer. She holds a master’s of international politics from the School of African and Oriental Studies at the University of London and was previously a legislative assistant for the NPP caucus. Shieh Yi-hsiang is a postgraduate student at George Washington University in Washington. He was previously also an NPP legislative assistant.

Source: Taipei Times - Editorials 2018/11/09

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Taiwanese-Americans hold banners as they protest against President Ma Ying-jeou as he hosted a dinner at the Grand Hyatt New York on Sunday night in New York City.
Photo: Nadia Tsao, Taipei Times

Several dozen protesters gathered outside the Grand Hyatt New York on Sunday night where President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九) was hosting a private dinner during a brief stopover in the metropolis while en route to Paraguay.

The dinner was attended by members of the Chinese Consolidated Benevolent Association, Taiwanese director Ang Lee (李安) and Chinese artist Cai Guoqiang (蔡國強).

Protest convener Lai Hong-tien (賴宏典), a dentist in the Manhattan area, said he had been unaware of Ma’s visit until Friday, adding that the rally had been hastily organized by a small number of people.