Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

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Activity Slideshow

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# Article Title Author Hits
121 2019-12-08 Holy Mountain Event Records Taiwan Tati Cultural & Educational Foundation 218
122 2019-12-07 Holy Mountain - Volunteering Fulfilling Wishes Taiwan Tati Cultural & Educational Foundation 216
123 2019-12-01 Tâi-uân Sîn-tō - Begin with the Heart, Spiritual Purification Lectures @ Hualien, Day 2 Taiwan Tati Cultural & Educational Foundation 238
124 2019-12-01 Holy Mountain Event Records Taiwan Tati Cultural & Educational Foundation 193
125 2019-11-30 Tâi-uân Sîn-tō - Begin with the Heart, Spiritual Purification Lectures @ Hualien, Day 1 Taiwan Tati Cultural & Educational Foundation 230
126 2019-11-30 Holy Mountain - Volunteering Fulfilling Wishes Taiwan Tati Cultural & Educational Foundation 201
127 2019-11-27 Holy Mountain - Taiwan Ancestor Temple Ritual Taiwan Tati Cultural & Educational Foundation 215
128 2019-11-26 Tati(Daixde) Hall Nov. 1st Ritual Prayer Nationwide for Peace and Blessings Taiwan Tati Cultural & Educational Foundation 204
129 2019-11-23 Tati Sixth Times of 8th Annual Board Meeting Taiwan Tati Cultural & Educational Foundation 195
130 2019-11-23 Holy Mountain - Volunteering Fulfilling Wishes Taiwan Tati Cultural & Educational Foundation 194
Page 13 of 228


Troops conduct drills on the beaches of Bali District in New Taipei City during the Han Kuang exercises on Sept. 16.
Photo: Tsai Tsung-hsien, Taipei Times

The Ministry of National Defense should extend military service from four months to at least one year, defense experts said yesterday.

The four months of military service in Taiwan are divided into five weeks of basic training and 11 weeks of specialized training at a military branch training center, which is usually near where recruits live.