Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

All parties must come to an end

Human beings approaching 100 normally think about death, but political parties celebrating their centennial, as the Chinese Communist Party (CCP) will on Thursday, are obsessed with immortality.

Such optimism seems odd for parties that rule dictatorships, because their longevity records do not inspire confidence. That no other such party in modern times has survived for a century should give China’s leaders cause for worry, not celebration.

One obvious reason for the relatively short lifespan of communist or authoritarian parties is that modern party-dominated dictatorships, unlike democracies, emerged only in the 20th century.


Tactless China is creating conflict

In 2011, Taiwan and Hong Kong reached an agreement that the nation’s representative office in Hong Kong should be named the Taipei Economic and Cultural Office, forgoing the sensitive terms “Taiwan” and “Republic of China (ROC)” to be able to exchange documents for the mutual benefit of Taiwan and Hong Kong, and to provide services to their citizens.

When the Hong Kong government made agreeing to the “one China” principle a condition for issuing work permits to Taiwanese staff at the office, it left the Mainland Affairs Council with no option but to refuse signing a document that belittles Taiwan’s national dignity.


COVID-19: CECC boosts Pingtung virus measures

Warden Lin Jung-chi of Fonggang Village in Pingtung County’s Fangshan Township yesterday drives a tractor laden with household supplies, as stores in Fonggang and Shanyu villages were closed to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 Delta variant.
Photo courtesy of the Pingtung County Government via CNA

The Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) yesterday announced enhanced measures for preventing the spread of the Delta virus variant associated with a cluster of infections in Pingtung County, as it reported 78 locally transmitted cases and 13 deaths.


Time for pushback against PRC

The world is slowly shifting from a global village paradigm to that of a global home.

It is a major shift and requires that all nations not only are involved, but also are responsible players.

To make this shift, they must recognize that they are members of one family, the human race, and live in one home, planet Earth.

This is a simple statement, but it remains a difficult concept to accept, because it requires nations to always consider the good of the whole.


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China now believes that the most important threat to its security interests might come from Taiwan, a new US congressional report said.

“The most salient challenge to Chinese interests perceived by leaders in Beijing relates to sovereignty vis-a-vis Taiwan,” said the report, released on Tuesday by the US-China Economic and Security Review Commission.