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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

US to defend Taiwan in attack: Biden

US President Joe Biden speaks during a CNN-hosted town hall meeting in Baltimore, Maryland, on Thursday.
Photo: Reuters
The US would come to Taiwan’s defense and has a commitment to defend the nation China claims as its own, US President Joe Biden said on Thursday, although the White House later said there was no change in policy toward Taiwan.


Ko Wen-je misusing news briefings

The purpose of epidemic response news conferences is precisely what it says: to respond to an epidemic. In this age of social media, people’s attention is precious. These news conferences are about an important issue that affects people’s lives, which is an advantage in attracting attention. When used properly, they efficiently promote epidemic prevention measures, but if this advantage is wasted and the briefings are used for issues unrelated to the epidemic, the audience loses patience.

Taiwan’s initial COVID-19 outbreak last year abated quickly. As time went by, the Central Epidemic Command Center’s news conferences were increasingly used for promoting farm products and stimulating local economies. Although this was done with people’s livelihoods in mind, the events strayed from their purpose, attracting criticism.


UN must not bow to PRC on Resolution 2758: MOFA

A UN flag flies over the main entrance of the UN’s Palais des Nations building in Geneva, Switzerland, on Sept. 29.
Photo: AFP

The Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA) yesterday urged the UN not to yield to China, stressing that UN Resolution 2758 does not say that the People’s Republic of China (PRC) can represent Taiwan.

The ministry issued the remarks as Monday next week marks the 50th anniversary of the resolution, which gave the Repulic of China’s seat in the UN to the PRC.


No remorse over KMT’s past

Democratic Progressive Party (DPP) Legislator Huang Kuo-shu (黃國書) on Sunday admitted that he had been an informant for the former Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) government. Huang wrote on Facebook that while he was a student in the 1980s, he was approached by intelligence officials, who threatened him after he had befriended alleged dissidents and forced him to work with the authorities. Fellow DPP lawmakers praised Huang’s courage in admitting his wrongdoings, with one lawmaker encouraging him not to resign from the party — as he had announced he would do.

Conversely, KMT Chairman Eric Chu (朱立倫) used the opportunity to accuse the DPP of being authoritarian and not allowing dissent. Chu’s ironic and seemingly farcical accusations aside, perhaps even more noteworthy was his attempt to absolve the KMT of the atrocities it had committed during the Martial Law period, saying that it was a product of the times and “not the real KMT.”


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Envoys of Tibet’s exiled spiritual leader the Dalai Lama returned to India yesterday after talks in China on the future of the troubled Himalayan region, a spokesman for the Dalai Lama said.

The two envoys arrived back in New Delhi following meetings with Chinese government representatives which began in Hunan, before moving to Beijing at the weekend, the Dalai Lama’s senior secretary Chhime Chhoekyapa said.