Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

Maritime Taiwan, a New Book with a Different Perspective on Taiwan

Writing in the Asian American Press, Richard Kagan provides a Book Review on Shih-shan Henry Tsai. Maritime Taiwan: Historical Encounters with the East and the West. M.E. Sharpe: Armonk, New York. 2009. 265pages. $24.95.

There is a cultural and intellectual revolution occurring in Taiwan. It is about its national identity. While the new administration of President Ma Ying-jeou and his Kuomintang Party are preparing the way to unification with Beijing by stressing the common history of Taiwan and China, the intellectuals, human rights advocates, historians, and local Taiwanese are writing a new history of Taiwan.


Supreme Court asked to end Taiwan's "political purgatory" while President Obama remains silent

The United States Supreme Court has now been asked to answer the longstanding 'Taiwan question' that has haunted U.S. foreign policy since World War II. In April, the District of Columbia U.S. Court of Appeals declared Taiwan to be in a state of "political purgatory" and urged President Barack Obama to act "expeditiously" to resolve the matter.

The appellate court declined to interpret the San Francisco Peace Treaty that governs Taiwan saying the issue was a "political matter" outside the scope of the court's authority. President Obama has been silent on Roger Lin, et al vs. United States, which seeks U.S. protection while the formal international legal status of Taiwan is resolved.


Previously Unrevealed 2-28 Account

Here is an account of 2-28 written by a missionary who witnessed it. It surfaced when Canadian scholar, missionary, and longtime Taiwan activist Michael Stainton was searching through the papers of George Leslie Mackay, the famous missionary here. Dr. Stainton was kind enough to forward it to me for posting here. Without further ado:


As the World Turns in Taiwan III: Reallity Check for the Rest of the World

The World Games are now taking place in Kaohsiung, Taiwan but many in the world and certainly in the USA do not even know that they are. Why? Because the media do not really reflect international news. Check your media, have they reported on the games? If not, time to do some self-examination and a reality check on how much you should trust your local media.


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Warden Lin Jung-chi of Fonggang Village in Pingtung County’s Fangshan Township yesterday drives a tractor laden with household supplies, as stores in Fonggang and Shanyu villages were closed to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 Delta variant.
Photo courtesy of the Pingtung County Government via CNA

The Central Epidemic Command Center (CECC) yesterday announced enhanced measures for preventing the spread of the Delta virus variant associated with a cluster of infections in Pingtung County, as it reported 78 locally transmitted cases and 13 deaths.