Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

One third of the nation are idiots

Premier Wu Den-yih (吳敦義) has once again found himself in hot water and this time it is of his own making.

In an interview with the Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT)-friendly UFO Network on Tuesday, Wu said that President Ma Ying-jeou’s (馬英九) cross-strait policy continued to abide by the principle of “no reunification, no independence and no war.”


Kaohsiung Incident a good reminder

Tomorrow marks the 30th anniversary of the Kaohsiung Incident of 1979. It was a watershed in Taiwan’s political history, as it galvanized the democratic opposition in Taiwan and overseas Taiwanese into action, and thus ushered in the beginning of the end of the Chinese Nationalist Party’s (KMT) martial law and one-party police state.

In Taiwan itself, the event is being commemorated with a series of activities, including seminars, a photo exhibition and a concert in Kaohsiung. The irony of the situation is that one of the defendants in the “sedition” trial that followed the Incident was Chen Chu (陳菊), now mayor of Kaohsiung.


Are human rights still on the agenda?

As the world celebrates International Human Rights Day tomorrow, Taiwan will also be presented with an opportunity to reflect on its progress, or lack thereof, in safeguarding human rights over the past year.

Recent events are likely to cast a pall on Taiwan’s image. Just last week, Straits Exchange Foundation (SEF) Deputy Secretary-General Maa Shaw-chang (馬紹章) announced that the Taichung City Government would designate a 30,000-ping (nearly 100,000m²) “protest zone,” or “opinion plaza,” so that protesters could make their voices heard during the fourth round of negotiations between SEF Chairman Chiang Pin-kung (江丙坤) and his Chinese counterpart Chen Yunlin (陳雲林) later this month.


Where the buck stops

In state elections in the US on Nov. 3, the Democratic Party lost out. These were the first elections since US President Barack Obama took office, but many saw them as a local affair, not as a mid-term test for Obama. Rather than blaming Obama, the Democratic Party swallowed the bitter pill. On Saturday it was Taiwan’s turn to hold local elections. Although the Chinese Nationalist Party (KMT) won the top posts in 12 out of 17 cities and counties, losing only Yilan and Hualien counties among those seats it had held, public opinion sees the results as a defeat for the KMT and blames President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九), the KMT chairman, for the losses.


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US Representative Dana Rohrabacher is threatening to end his strong legislative support for Taiwan as a result of Chunghwa Telecom’s (CHT, 中華電信) decision to terminate satellite services for “pro--democracy” channel New Tang Dynasty Television (新唐人電視台, NTDTV).

“If Taiwan does not support the struggle for freedom of thought within China, I see no need for America to support Taiwan,” Rohrabacher said in a letter sent on Wednesday to President Ma Ying-jeou (馬英九).

Rohrabacher, a California Republican, has been one of the most ardent pro-Taiwan representatives in Washington.