Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

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Taiwan Tati Cultural and Educational Foundation

USC's Annenberg School for Communication Brings Soft Power to Taiwan: Part II

In session two of the conference, Jeffrey Cole Ph.D. Director of the Center for the Digital Future at USC addressed new trends in media technology advances and their relevance for Public Diplomacy (PD). He pointed out how the environment and the ways you reach people are constantly changing. He contrasted how people in previous decades would suffer withdrawal if there was a newspaper strike; today's people would suffer more if the internet of mobile phone use was disconnected. TV was introduced mainstream in the home in 1948 - though this author can remember watching Notre Dame vs. Army on TV in a Chicago tavern in 1947. (Of course I had accompanied my father there, I may be old but not that old). TV had a way of bringing people together (but actually radio did that previously with the difference that while listening to programs on the radio in a family circle, one could be doing other things as well - whereas with TV, one had to focus on the screen).


How can East Asia achieve democracy?

Remembering the events that brought about the fall of the Berlin Wall

On November 9, 2009, Germans will celebrate the 20th anniversary of the fall of the Berlin Wall.


The crucial place of a democracy’s referendum

The Cabinet’s Referendum Review Committee has turned down a referendum proposal relating to the economic cooperation framework agreement (ECFA) that the government wants to sign with China, citing various preposterous reasons.

It is truly shameful of the government to claim that Taiwan serves as a democratic model for the rest of Asia when Taiwanese cannot express an opinion on major policies involving national development.


USC's Annenberg School for Communication Brings Soft Power to Taiwan: Part I

"National Security, Public and Cultural Diplomacy, Smart Power: Future Directions for Smart Nations," isn't that a mouthful. Yet that was the long and unusual title for the conference on October 29, 2009, a conference sponsored by Taiwan's Ministry of Foreign Affairs (MOFA). Four of the six featured speakers came from the University of Southern California's (USC) Annenberg School for Communication & Journalism. So what did they have to say about smart power for smart nations especially small but smart nations? Below is a summary.


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Members of People Masters walk past the entrance to Liberty Square in Taipei yesterday at the launch of a campaign urging legislative candidates to push for revisions to the Referendum Act if elected.

Photo: Chien Jung-fong, Taipei Times

People Masters, a civic group advocating amendments to the Referendum Act (公民投票法), yesterday launched a campaign urging legislative candidates to promise to push for revisions to the law if elected.

Wearing traditional hats made of bamboo leaves and T-shirts with the words “People are Masters,” about 100 volunteers from the organization gathered at Liberty Square in Taipei to go through a brief training session before departing for a march around the city to hand out fliers.